Benefit of Writing (101721)


The interventions procedure in the experimental group was an expressive writing protocol, while the control group was given a neutral writing protocol.


Expressive writing instructions

Over the next three days, we would like you to write about your most profound thoughts and feelings about an important traumatic, emotional or stressful event that has affected your life. Write for 20 consecutive minutes. Do not worry about the grammar, spelling or structure of the writing. We would like, in your text, for you to examine your moods and deeper thoughts about this experience It can be about any topic. But whatever it is, it should be something you did not talk about, in detail. with anyone. It is essential that you lest yourself go and come into contact with your emotions and deeper thoughts. In other words, write what happened, how then did the episode feel, and what it means to you now. You can write about different experiences during each session, or about the same experience for all three days. At each session, the choice of the subject is entirely up to you. All your writing will be completely confidential and anonymous The only rule is that once you start writing, you continue until the end of 20 minutes for 3 consecutive days.

Neutral writing instructions

We would like you to write for the next 3 days for 20 minutes continuously, without interruptions, about how you use your time. In this writing we would like you to be as objective as possible. We are not interested in your emotions or opinions. We want you to be completely objective. Feel free to be as detailed as possible. In today's writing we would like to describe what you did yesterday since you got up, until you went to bed. For example, it might start when the alarm goes off and you get out of bed. It could include things you ate, where you went, what buildings or objects you saw. The most important thing in this writing is to describe your days as accurately and objectively that once you start writing, continue until the end of 20 minutes for 3 consecutive days.


Average emotions and emotions negative and positive emotions in the 1-2-3 days.


Expressive writing is a tool through which the subject describes his/her most profound thoughts and feelings about emotional events. In contrast, neutral writing is a comparison tool, through which the participant describes in a more objective way an event that is devoid of emotions, thoughts or feelings.

Day 1: Socio-Demographic Questionnaire (sex, age, level of education, years of practice, Role currently held), Pre-Intervention, Sheet with Code Instructions, expressive writing, Evaluation

Day 2: paper with Code Instructions; writing mandate, with sheets to write

Day 3: paper with Code Instructions; writing mandate with writing sheets, post-intervention

After one month: follow-up evaluation.

During the writing and compilation of the tests, the participants were in a room alone, with phones turned off. For the collection of questionnaires and scripts, a box was used which was opened at the end of three days.
