Python (062421)

Find weight differences

1. import pandas as pd

2. w07 = pd.read_csv('w07.csv')

> tried to make the name most simpliest

3. w08 = pd.read_csv('data/w08.csv')

4. w07_w = w07[['pid', 'w07C105']]

5. w08_w = w08[['pid', 'w08C105']]

> index columns that we are going to use

> single quotations for columns

6. w0708_w = w07_w.merge (w08_w, how = 'inner', on='pid')

> merge wave 7-8 based on pid, by inner

> inner means both of the columns should have pid

7. w0708_w

> display what data have merged

8. w0708_w['diff'] = w0708_w['w08C105'] - w0708_w['w07C105']

> a variable of differences is made by subtractions

9. w0708_w['diff >= 5'] = ( abs (w0708_w['diff]) >= 5 )

10. w0708_w

> show a new column, diff > = 5

11. w0708_d5 = w0708_w[w0708_w['diff >= 5']] == True ]

12. w0708_w5.to_excel('w0708_w5.xlsx')

> extract columns to excel file
